Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jerusalem's Influence

Then Melchizedek, king of Salem (Shalem), brought out bread and wine; he was a priest to God Most High.                             Genesis 14:18

            The verse describes the meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek, king of Shalem. Our Sages’ tradition is that Shalem is Jerusalem. [Midrash Aggada] In fact, the name Shalem forms the second half of Jerusalem's name, [Breishit Rabba 56:10] and this is the Bible’s first mention of the Holy City.
            It is most instructive that Melchizedek, who, according to the Sages, is Shem the son of Noah, is described by the Bible as "a priest of the most-high God". Already, a ninth generation ancestor of Abraham, in Jerusalem, reached the conclusion that there is but one Creator.
            Naḥmanides comments:
For the gentiles knew that this place (Jerusalem) is the choicest of places, in the center of the world [Midrash Tanḥuma, Kedoshim 10], or they knew its virtue in being opposite the heavenly temple, where the Shechina, the divine presence is, [Midrash Lekaḥ Tov, Exodus 23:20] which is called zedek (hence the name Melchizedek).
            Apparently, there is something about Jerusalem which inclines mankind toward recognizing its Creator.

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