Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Draft Age

From twenty years old and upwards, all who are fit to go out to the army in Israel, you shall count them by their legions, you and Aaron.                                                  Numbers 1:3

            Kli Yakar suggests a fascinating reason for the Torah setting draft age at twenty years old. “After all, at times, there are valorous fighters who are younger than twenty.” And indeed, draft age for the I.D.F. is eighteen. “God does not desire the valor of men.” (Based upon Psalms 147:10) Rather, for Israel, military service is based upon the warrior’s merits and his righteousness. Our Sages taught that prior to age twenty, the Heavenly Court does not mete out punishments. [Jerusalem Talmud, Bikurim 2:1] Therefore, one who reaches the age of twenty is “more stringent in his behavior,” knowing that he will have to give an accounting in the Heavenly Court. This being the case, it is reasonable to assume that a twenty year old has accrued more merits than those who are younger, “who, presumably is less stringent in his behavior, and therefore has fewer virtues to overcome his liabilities.” It is these additional merits of the twenty year old which will protect him in war.

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