Friday, August 30, 2019

Teaching Our Children and Their Having Great Peace

All your children will be taught by God; your children will have great peace (shalom).   Isaiah 54:13  
            This is the third verse of the third of the seven haftarot of consolation.
In the opinion of Rabbi Hamnuna (a second generation Talmudic sage – late 3rd century C.E.), “Jerusalem was destroyed only because they neglected (the education of) school children;” [Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 119b] while the Sages teach in Tractate Yoma [9b] that the Second Temple was destroyed as the result of unfounded hatred.
            Rabbi Ḥayyim Yosef David Azulai (1724 – 1806) notes that our verse comforts Israel with the declaration that the redemption will surely arrive, and God promises, through Isaiah, that the causes of Jerusalem’s destruction will be removed:
“All your children will be taught by God” – the Torah education of your children will not be neglected; as well “your children will have great peace” – peace and unity will prevail among you and there will be no hatred.
            We may add that realizing “All your children will be taught by God” depends upon God and us, for if we do not take advantage of God’s readiness to teach our children, nothing will be gained. In contrast, realizing “your children will have great peace” is dependent solely upon us; God will not create the spirit of brotherhood and unity for the nation of Israel, only we ourselves can accomplish this.
            May we merit doing our part in order to hasten the arrival of the Righteous Redeemer.

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