Monday, December 16, 2019

Unity of the Sons of Jacob and the End of Days

Jacob called for his sons and said, "Gather (hei’asfu) and I will tell (va’agida) you what will happen to you at the end of days.”

                                                                                           Genesis 49:1

            Rashi quotes Midrash Aggada which states that Jacob wanted to reveal the end of days, that is, the era of Messiah [Naḥmanides], to his sons, but the Shechina departed from him.

            Tzror haMor understands the words “hei’asfu” and “va’agida” (which are consecutive in the Hebrew) as referring to imparting wisdom. In preparation for presenting Torah at Sinai, God commanded Moses to “say to the house of Jacob and tell (va’agida, the same root word as “va’agida”) the sons of Israel,” [Exodus 19:3] and in the review of Torah, the Master of Prophets relates that God “ told you (vayaged) His covenant which He commanded you.” [Deuteronomy 4:13] The root word “asaf” as well is connected to wisdom, as we read “The sayings of the wise are like goads, and those from masters of collections (asufot) are like firmly embedded nails,” [Ecclesiastes 12:11] and “Assemble (isfa) for Me seventy men of the elders of Israel.” [Numbers 12:11]

            Indeed, gathering Israel together “as a single person” is the factor which prepared the Children of Israel to hear God’s words at Mount Sinai, as the Sages elucidate the verse “And Israel camped (singular) there opposite the mountain” [Exodus 19:2] – “as one person, with one heart.”[Rashi, quoting Midrash Lekaḥ Tov]

            Based upon these introductory comments, Tzror haMor explains the meaning of Jacob’s call to his sons to “gather” to be: “unite as a single band, without hatred or envy,” which is the sole means for the sons of Jacob and for us, the Children of Israel their descendants, to merit experiencing the era of Messiah.

            Tzror haMor’s words are a precursor to Rabbi Kook’s famous phrase “Given that we were destroyed and the entire world with us, as the result of unfounded hatred, we shall be rebuilt and the entire world rebuilt with us by virtue of unbounded love.”



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