Thursday, April 21, 2016

Remembering: A Contemporary Experience

The following is taken from my father's writings:
The Seder is all about remembering the exodus from Egypt (which is a daily obligation).
We remember not to build up an inferiority complex due to our past as slaves, but rather to understand that every human being is entitled to freedom. Israel’s redemption from Egyptian enslavement laid the foundation for all subsequent freedoms for all of mankind, as the Haggada teaches: “Had the Holy One, blessed be He, not taken us out of Egypt, we and our sons and our sons’ sons would still be enslaved.” Had God not redeemed His nation from Egypt, the concept of freedom would have been unknown.
Yet, the greater message is that the true meaning of freedom is accepting responsibility.

Remembering the events of Israel’s distant past must serve a contemporary purpose: we remember in order to draw courage and strength to deal with our own crises. Reflecting on the events of a hundred generations ago should provide us with the ability to overcome whatever persecution Israel experiences. It is of great significance that even in the hell of concentration camps, our brothers and sisters celebrated the holiday of freedom. 

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