Thursday, May 25, 2017

Aaron's Qualitative Advantage

The Holy One blessed be He, said to Aaron, “by your life, your part is greater than theirs (the tribal chieftains), for you shall kindle the lamps.         
                 Rashi [8:2], based upon Midrash Tanḥuma
          God’s reassurance to Aaron, “your part is greater than theirs,” can be understood simply in terms of frequency. The tribal princes’ offerings were one – time, at the dedication of the Tabernacle, while Aaron’s “part” was to be performed daily.
          However, my father explained that there is a qualitative distinction between the offerings of the tribal princes and Aaron’s contribution. The princes contributed to the material needs of the Tabernacle, bringing silver and gold trays and pans, as well as wagons for transporting the Tabernacle. The physical enterprise is unimportant and in itself hardly has any value because without the divine light the building itself is of no consequence. It is the spirit which counts, the spiritual light which emanated from it which made the Tabernacle the “house of God,” not the curtains and beams.
          In kindling the lights of the menorah, which symbolize the illumination of Torah, Aaron added the spiritual dimension of the Tabernacle, allowing the building to achieve its essential purpose and value.

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