Friday, May 19, 2017

Future Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s importance to the Jews is a function of its future, no less than of its past.             
To us Jerusalem is holy not only because of our history, but because we hope and pray that God’s message will be heard again:  “Torah will come out from Zion and God’s word from Jerusalem.” [Isaiah 2:3; Micah 4:2]           Rabbi Zvi Magence

            More than one tenth of the 669 times the Bible mentions Jerusalem relate to the Holy City’s future, and no fewer than eight prophets prophesied her future. We are not referring to the prophecies of Jerusalem’s destruction, which of course, were said in the future tense, but were fulfilled relatively shortly after having been delivered. The prophecies referred to were presented for the long term, and we still await fulfillment of some of these prophecies.
            Amazingly, prophecies spoken more than 2500 years ago, as prophecies of consolation, have yet to be realized! However, prophecy is eternal and the comforting words of our prophets ring out in every generation, declaring: “the consolation will surely arrive; happiness and joy will replace sorrow and sighing.” [Based upon Isaiah 35:10] Perhaps each generation anew faces the challenge of doing its utmost in order to bring about the realization of Jerusalem’s consolation, which is the consolation of all Israel.
            Indeed, our Sages [Shir haShirim Rabba, 8:12] taught that we have the power to hasten the fulfillment of the prophecies of consolation. It is up to us.

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