Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Crossing the Sea; Twin Destinations

You will lead the people You have redeemed with Your mercy; You will guide (them) to Your holy dwelling with Your strength.                               Exodus 15:13
            As we noted in a previous Dvar Torah, verse thirteen presents a shift in the content of the Song of the Sea, from praise of God for His battle against His and His nation’s enemies, to a future focus, praising God for leading His nation into the Promised Land.
            Midrash Lekaḥ Tov expounds the verse thus: 
“You will guide them with Your strength” – through the merit of Torah, as the verse states: “The Lord will give strength to His people.” [Psalms 29:11]
“To Your holy dwelling” – through the merit of Your holy dwelling, which is the Temple, as the verse states: “A peaceful dwelling.” [Isaiah 33:20]
            Based upon this Midrash, with the Song of the Sea, Israel praises God for taking us out of Egypt in order to give us Torah and bring us into the Land, where we will build the Temple. Building the Temple constitutes the apex of Israel’s entry into its Land, and realization of the ultimate level of sanctity, as our Sages taught: “The Land of Israel is holier than any other land,” and the peak of sanctity is the Holy of Holies of the Temple. [Mishna, Keilim 1:6-9]
            Thus, the Song of the Sea presents the twin destinations of the exodus: Mount Sinai and Mount Moriah.

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