Thursday, March 9, 2017

Filtering Wisdom

And you (singular) shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for splendor and for beauty. And you shall speak to all that are wise-hearted, whom I filled with the spirit of wisdom that they make Aaron’s garments to sanctify him ...          Exodus 28:3
The switch from singular in verse 2 to plural in verse 3 continues the lesson of verse 1. For Aaron’s garments to be “for splendor and beauty” it is sufficient that they be individual, but for them to sanctify him, it is necessary that “they make” the garments. The kohain cannot fully achieve sanctity without the nation’s assistance.
It is to be noted that wisdom resides in the head, not in the heart.
My father explained that the Torah teaches a valuable lesson in the application of wisdom. Wisdom which is not filtered through the heart can bring destruction. In order to create sanctity, a wise person must think not only with his brain but with his heart as well.
Ba’al haTurim notes that the gematriya of the phrase Ḽachmei lev asher, from our verse, equals that of yir’at (awe of) and refers to one in awe of heaven, as the verse in Psalms states: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” [110:11]
Netziv (19th century), without quoting Ba’al haTurim also comments that Ḽachmei lev refers to awe of heaven.
According to these commentaries, the Torah teaches us as well that it is wisdom which is tempered by awe of heaven which brings true blessing to the world.

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