Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Daily Renewal: Torah and the Land

The Lord your God is commanding you this day to follow these statutes and ordinances. You must be careful to follow them with all your heart and all your soul.                                         Deuteronomy 26:16
“The Lord your God is commanding you this day” – whenever Israel is engaged with Torah, the Holy One, blessed be He considers them as having received Torah from Sinai on that day.            Midrash Tana’im
            Our Sages taught that we must cherish God’s mitzvot “as if we heard them today,” [Midrash Tana’im, Deuteronomy 11:32] and in their comment on our verse, they teach that the practical way of demonstrating our endearment of the mitzvot is to be engaged with them. Torah study and practice of mitzvot actively demonstrate Israel’s feeling of continually renewed receipt of receiving Torah.
            Our Sages taught that our attitude towards the Land of Israel, as well, must be one of daily renewal:
(The Land) should not be in your eyes as an inheritance from your fathers, but you should see it as a gift which was given you now.                               
                            Mechilta d’Rebbi Shimon bar Yoḥai

            Applying the comment of Midrash Tana’im teaches that concerning the Land as well, the practical sign that the Children of Israel indeed relate to the Land as a gift of God renewed on a daily basis is being engaged with the Land; through study of the centrality of the Land to the Nation of Israel, fulfilling the mitzvot which are dependent upon the Land and practical development.

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