Thursday, November 24, 2016

Old and In Days

And Abraham was old, well advanced in years, (literally “come in days”) and God had blessed Abraham with everything.                             
                                                                                    Genesis 24:1
Rabbi Aḥa says: there are those who are old, but not in days, and others in days, but not old, but Abraham was both.                                                     Breishit Rabba

My saintly teacher, Rabbi Mordechai Rogov, of blessed memory, explained the Midrash’s intention. Those “in days, but not old” understand and know well modern times and the spirit of the contemporary generation. Yet they do not appreciate nor have they learned the lessons of their own past. They are, in effect, disconnected from their own history and their roots.
Those who are “old, but not in days” are the opposite. They have an appreciation of tradition, but no understanding of the contemporary generation.
The greatness of Abraham was combining both a true appreciation of tradition and understanding of the younger generation.

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