Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Good Years

“These were the years (shnei) of the life of Sarah.” Genesis 23:1
All of Sarah’s years were equally good. Rashi
            Considering the fact that Sarah was barren until age ninety, and that her life included being taken to the palace of pharaoh and to the palace of Abimelech, as well as the troubles of Hagar and Ishmael, it seems strange to state that “all her years were equally good!”
            My father explained that Rashi’s intention is that throughout her years, whether in easy times or difficult ones, Sarah continued to do good. Even in times of personal distress and challenge, Sarah continued to perform god deeds for others.
            Rabbi Zusha of Annopol (died 1800) suggested that Rashi’s intention is that Sarah considered everything that happened in her life to be good, since it was God’s will. As it were, no matter what happened, Sarah’s response was “this too is for the good.”
            We can suggest an additional intention: no matter what was happening in her life, there remained a goodness about Sarah, and even in times which objectively were not good, she maintained her personal goodness.
            Homiletically, we can say that the “shnei” also means “two,” and perhaps the verse hints that Sarah’s life fused together two aspects: the material and the spiritual. It was the harmony within Sarah of the two divergent aspects which allowed her to do good throughout her life. Ultimately, it was due to the fact that the spiritual dimension of life was pre-eminent for Sarah that all her years were alike in goodness.

                This Dvar Torah is dedicated in memory of my wife. The above comments are a fitting tribute to Gloria’s memory.

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