Friday, March 11, 2016

Hearing God's Voice

And God called to Moses and spoke to him out of the Tent of Meeting, saying …           Leviticus 1:1
“And God called to Moses”: the (Divine) voice reached Moses, but was not heard by the Israelites.           Rashi 
My father commented that the lesson is that in order to hear the Divine voice, one must be attentive and ready to hear. Thus, the verse (taken literally) says that “He called to Moses and God spoke to him’” rather than “God called to Moses.” It was the fact that Moses heard the Divine call, which prepared him for God to speak with him.
        Modern technology allows us to understand Rashi’s comment. With telephonic communication, only one who has the necessary apparatus will be able to hear the conversation. Moses’ “telephone” was his readiness to hear God’s words.

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