Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Rachel's Descendants Versus Amalek 2

Rabbi Yeḥiel Michel Epstein (author of “Aruch haShulḥan”) comments that God singled out Amalek from among all of Israel’s enemies because of the nature of its attack on Israel. Typically, wars are fought for territorial gain, yet Amalek attacked Israel in the desert, before it had entered its Land. Amalek’s attack was motivated by pure, and unfounded hatred, and this is the reason the Torah instructs us to “remember what Amalek did to you on the way, when you left Egypt”. [Deuteronomy 25:17]
Historically, it has been the descendants of Rachel who have fought against Amalek. Our Sages comment: “Jacob saw (prophetically) that the descendants of Esau (Amalek) will fall only into the hands of the descendants of Rachel”. [Babylonian Talmud Bava Batra 123b] This is necessary, explains Rabbi Epstein. The sons of the remaining Mothers were guilty of unfounded hatred towards Joseph, and thus were not suited for countering the unfounded hatred of Amalek. Only the sons of Rachel were uncontaminated by unfounded hatred among the brothers, and therefore capable of fighting Amalek.
Indeed, it was Joshua, of the tribe of Ephraim, who was sent by Moses to counter Amalek’s attack in the desert.
It was necessary for Saul, of the tribe of Benjamin to reign as the first king of Israel, even though monarchy belongs to the tribe of Judah, because it is the king’s task to eradicate Amalek.

As well, the Purim miracle, the salvation from Haman, the descendant of Amalek had to come through Mordechai and Esther, of the tribe of Binyamin, descendants of Rachel.

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