Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Heavenly Flame

Command   Aaron  and   his  sons   saying: This is the law  of the elevation offering;  It  is the  elevation  offering  on the fire  place  all night until  the morning and  the  fire   of the  altar  shall  be kept  burning  thereby.                  Leviticus 6:2

One of the miracles which occurred in the Tabernacle and the Temple was that a flame descended from the heaven to light the altar. Nonetheless, our Sages teach us that there was a mitzva for a Kohen to bring his own fire. First a Kohen would light the fire on the altar, then the heavenly fire would kindle the wood.
This arrangement clearly teaches us the partnership between God and man. We must do our share, and then God will help. Without divine assistance we cannot succeed. However, we must not refrain from doing our part. The verse says “and the Lord your God will bless you in all that you do.” [Deuteronomy 15:18] Our Sages understand the verse to mean that only when we do our share can we expect God’s blessings.

This approach is necessary in the private lives of the Children of Israel as well as in our national life. 

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