Sunday, December 26, 2021

A Single Soul



All the souls (the Hebrew is singular) who came with Jacob into Egypt, who were his direct descendants, besides Jacob’s sons' wives, all the souls were sixty-six.                             Genesis 46:26

I found in vaYikra Rabba [4:6]: Esau’s family had six souls and the verse [Genesis 36:6] calls them “the souls (plural) of his household,” since they worshipped different deities, while Jacob’s seventy souls are called a single soul, since they all worshipped one God.                                                                 Rashi

            According to the Midrash which Rashi quotes, the factor which united the children of Israel as a single soul was the fact that they all worshipped a single God.

            Zohar [Leviticus, Parashat Emor 83b] expounds that Israelites are considered as one only when they are within the Land. Israel can truly be considered “one nation” [II Samuel 7:23] only when in its own Land. Based upon this, the Land of Israel is also a factor in relating to the children of Israel as a single soul.

            Indeed, the two factors which contribute to Israel’s unity, worshipping the same God and the Land itself, are inter-connected, as our Sages taught:

One who lives outside Israel is considered as one who has no God, and all who dwell within the Land are considered as having a God.

                                                          Babylonian Talmud, Ketubot 110b


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