Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Time to Appreciate Beauty


When he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, "Look, I now know what a beautiful woman you are.                                "Genesis 12:11

            The translation, which is literal, implies that it is only now, upon descending to Egypt that Abram is aware of the beauty of his wife. Rashi, after quoting the Midrashic explanation that, due to the great modesty of Abram and Sarai, Abram indeed had not previously noticed his wife's beauty, presents the simple meaning (p'shat) of the verse: Abram indeed was aware of his wife's beauty, but now, as they descended to Egypt, "the time had arrived to be concerned about Sarai's beauty." The reason that it was specifically upon the descent to Egypt, and not within the land of Canaan, that Sarai's beauty became a practical issue was that she and Abram were coming to a place where "they are not accustomed to a beautiful woman." We may add that Abram's concern arose as well from the fact that the Egyptians "are steeped in lust." [Rashi's comment on verse 19]

            Panim Yafot offers an additional explanation of the connection between Abram's concern and his departure from the land of Canaan. The Torah tells the descendants of Abraham that "no one will covet your Land when you ascend to appear before the Lord God three times per year." [Exodus 34:24] That is, Abraham's descendants will not have to be concerned about their property and assets when they ascend to the Temple. Abraham's journeys within the land of Canaan were towards Jerusalem [Rashi, verse 4]. In these journeys, Abraham "continually ascended spiritually; as he journeyed physically, so too he ascended spiritually." Therefore, in his journeys within the Land, Abraham "trusted that no one will covet that which is his," including his wife. However, as Abraham was forced to leave the Land and distance himself from Jerusalem, his concern was aroused that others may covet his beautiful wife. Essentially, Abraham's concern and fear arose from his departure from the Promised Land and the protection it afforded him, his family and his possessions.  


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