Monday, February 15, 2016

Counted by Giving

The census was taken through donation of half a sheqel to the Temple. We Jews are counted through giving.  There cannot be a Jew up to his pocket, a Jew who does not give charity, therefore, to be counted as a Jew, one had to give half a sheqel.
However, half a sheqel was to be given, teaching that as important and as basic as giving charity is to Judaism, there is much more to being a good Jew, and we have many additional obligations, as our Sages taught: the world exists through three things: Torah, service and g’milut ḥassadim (acts of kindness, including giving charity).
The root word of tzedaka, charity is tzedek, which means justice. Giving charity is not an act beyond the call of duty, but merely fulfillment of our obligation.

The Torah teaches us that to give is a privilege. A Jew feels that when he gives charity, he receives more than he has given. Moreover, we do not even give what is ours, but what is the Almighty’s.

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