Sunday, February 7, 2016

Man Ascending Towards God

They shall make a sanctuary for Me then I will dwell in their midst.                         Exodus 25:8

When   the  Lord  said  “I  will dwell in their midst”, the   ministering  angels asked  “why  will  You descend  to  the lower  level?”.  The  Holy  One  blessed be He  answered “By your lives, I shall do as  you  say, yet  My  glory will  fill the world”.                                        Midrash

The Midrash is difficult to understand. Apparently, rather than accepting the angels’ comment, God chose, as it were, to descend to earth.
My father explained that in essence God answered the angels:
“through My sanctifying the People of Israel, they will be raised to a higher level”. The Torah elevates Israel, and therefore, it is not God descending to the lower level, rather Israel ascending to the higher level.  Thus God answered the angels “My glory will fill the world”. Man has it within his power to bring God’s glory into all aspects of earthly life.

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