Monday, February 8, 2016

Cohain God and Nation

And you bring near to you Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the Children of Israel...  And you (singular) shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for splendor and for beauty. And you  shall speak to all that are wise-hearted, whom  I filled with the  spirit of  wisdom that they make Aaron’s garments to sanctify him ...                           Exodus 28:1-3                                      

My father commented that the phrase “from among the Children of Israel” teaches that the sanctity of the priesthood derives from the sanctity of Israel. The Cohanim must appreciate that they serve God and His people, and that their sanctity is not personal, but endowed through the nation.
The switch from singular in verse two to plural in verse three continues the lesson of verse one. For Aaron’s garments to be “for splendor and beauty” it is sufficient that they be individual, but for them to sanctify him, it is necessary that “they make” the garments. The Cohain cannot fully achieve sanctity without the nation’s assistance.

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