Monday, February 8, 2016

T'tzaveh versus Terumah

And you shall command the Children of Israel that they take for you pure olive oil, pressed, for lighting, to make a light shine out continuously.                                                       Exodus 27: 20

There is an interesting contrast between the opening of the Parasha and that of last week’s Parasha.  In Terumah we read : “Speak to the Children of Israel that they take for Me an offering ...” (Exodus 25: 2).  As Malbim notes, the verse refers to taking an offering to avoid making it mandatory. Yet in our verse, Moses is told to command the Israelites to provide oil for lighting the menorah.  
Additionally, Moses is not mentioned by name in our verse.
My father explained that lighting the menorah symbolizes the light of Torah and Jewish education. This is incumbent upon each individual, not only upon the leaders.
For this reason, taking the oil is commanded and Moses’ name is not mentioned in this connection.
The common point between the two verses is significant also.  As the verse in Parashat Terumah refers to “taking”, so does the verse in our Parasha. It has been explained that Terumah uses the phrase “they shall take...” to teach the lesson that in giving to the building of the Tabernacle, the Israelites were also receiving. Similarly, by giving the oil to light the menorah, the Israelites will also be receiving .

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