Ḥochma notes that Parashat vaYakhel presents the building of the
Tabernacle before the ark, while three Parashot previously, in Terumah,
the order is the opposite.
Ḥochma explains that there are levels of sanctity higher than the
sanctity of an individual Israelite. However, the sanctity of klal
Yisrael (the totality of Israel) is unmatched. Thus, the Midrash [vaYikra
Rabba 36:4, quoted by Rashi on Genesis 1:1] states that the entire world
was created for Israel.
Tabernacle represents klal Yisrael. Assembling the boards and covering
them with the curtains to create a single tent represents the unity of Israel,
the power of the klal. In Parashat Terumah the Torah
presents the instruction to build the Tabernacle, it is not yet a reality.
Therefore the Torah presents the vessels before the Tabernacle itself,
corresponding to the higher sanctity of the ark than of individuals Israelites.
However, in our Parasha, after the Tabernacle has actually been assembled,
representing klal Yisrael, the ark has a lesser status and is presented
after the Tabernacle.
the Torah teaches us that in the case of the Tabernacle, as well as in the case
of the People of Israel, the whole, as a collective entity is greater than the
sum of the individual parts.
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