Monday, February 22, 2016

Personally Making the Ark

And Betzalel made the ark Exodus 37:1

Ba’al haTurim comments that Betzalel is specifically mentioned only in connection with the ark but not with the other vessels of the Tabernacle because Betzalel understood the (mystical) secrets of the ark, which correspond to the Divine Throne.
Siftei Ḥachamim (Rabbi Shabbetai Bass, 1641-1718) suggests that for all the work of the Tabernacle, other than the ark, Betzalel delegated the actual work to Ohaliav and his other assistants, and was satisfied to supervise. However, because of the greater level of sanctity of the ark over the other vessels, Betzalel insisted on building the ark himself.
Meshech Ḥochma presents a simple, practical explanation: the ark was the only permanent vessel. In anticipation of the destruction of the First Temple, the original ark, made by Betzalel, was hidden away. The Second Temple held no ark, while copies of other vessels were prepared for the Second Temple. Thus, only the ark is specifically related to Betzalel.

My father suggested that the Torah implies a valuable lesson: although Betzalel could delegate his responsibility for creating the other vessels of the Tabernacle, the ark, which held the Torah, the essential life force of the People of Israel, must be made, as it were, by each individual. No member of klal Yisrael has the right to delegate his/her responsibility for maintaining the Torah.

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