Sunday, February 28, 2016

Only Moses was Able to Assemble the Tabernacle

And they brought the Tabernacle to Moses, the tent, and all its furnishings, its clasps, its boards, its bars, and its pillars and its sockets. Exodus 39:33

No one but Moses was able to assemble the Tabernacle. Rashi

My father suggested that Rashi’s intention is that it was only Moses, the man of spirit, who was able to actually assemble the Tabernacle, for without the spiritual dimension the Tabernacle would remain merely a material structure. Thus, Moses’ contribution was endowing the Tabernacle with its spiritual aspect.
However, Rashi, based upon a Midrash Tanhuma, continues and tells us that Moses asked God: “How is it possible to establish the Tabernacle through man?”, and presents God’s response: “You deal with it with your hands.” Moses appeared to assemble the Tabernacle, but it actually assembled itself. This is the meaning of the verse [40:17]: “The Tabernacle was erected.”
The complementary point of the Midrash is that even Moses was unable to assemble the Tabernacle without divine assistance. The Midrash teaches us that we must do what is incumbent upon us and then we will benefit from divine help.

Ba’al haTurim notes that the verse [40:18] stresses: “Moses established the Tabernacle,” and comments that this includes the Heavenly Tabernacle. My father pointed out the lesson is the importance of man acting first. When we fulfill our commitments on earth, it can have a great impact in heaven as well. 

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