Thursday, August 11, 2016

Moses Taught Torah in Seventy Languages

Moses began to explain this law on the east bank of the Jordan, in the land of Moab,  saying...  Deuteronomy 1:5
“To explain this law”: Moses explained Torah to the people in the seventy languages. (In our Sages’ tradition, “seventy languages” encompasses all the languages of the world.)     Rashi, based upon a Midrash
Since the Israelites presumably all understood and spoke the Holy Tongue, it seems strange that Moses would teach them Torah in other languages. 
My father explained that Moses’ intention was forward looking, to Israel’s years of exile from its Land, when they will be scattered throughout the four corners of the world and exposed to all seventy languages. In teaching Torah in all languages, Moses prepared Israel for its exile by stressing that wherever they will be, and whatever language they speak, they must study and observe Torah.

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