Thursday, August 11, 2016

Spiritual and Physical Rebuilding

The following is taken from Michtav MeEliyahu, by Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler, founder of the Gateshead [England] yeshiva and the spiritual guide of the Ponivezh yeshiva:
          One who truly mourns the destruction of Jerusalem must be actively involved in its rebuilding.
          Our Sages teach us that Jerusalem was destroyed because of needless hatred among the Jews [Babylonian Talmud, Yoma 9a] and because of time wasted from Torah study [Jerusalem Talmud, Hagiga 1:7]. Therefore, Jerusalem will be rebuilt through love of fellow men and through the study of Torah.
          Our Sages’ comments teach us that the main destruction of Jerusalem is spiritual destruction. Hence, it is possible to rebuild Jerusalem only through spiritual rebuilding. One who attempts to rebuild Jerusalem only on a physical level and ignores the spiritual aspect is serving his own needs rather than those of Jerusalem. On the other hand, once Jerusalem is rebuilt spiritually, its physical rebuilding will necessarily follow.

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