Thursday, July 7, 2016

Message of Leadership

And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom: “Thus says your brother Israel: You know all the travail that has befallen us…                      Numbers 20:14

            In the following chapter [21:21], we read of the similar message to Siḥon, king of the Amorites:

And Israel sent messengers to Siḥon, king of the Amorites, saying …

Rashi notes that the first messengers were dispatched by Moses, while the second were sent by Israel, and comments, based upon Midrash Tanḥuma, “Moses is Israel and Israel is Moses.” There is synergy between the leader and the people, with the leader identified with the people.
            Alshikh offers an additional explanation of the originators of the two messages. Noting that the message to the king of Edom was sent after God had decreed that Moses would not enter the Promised Land, Alshikh suggests that the Children of Israel did not send the message to the king of Edom, for had he agreed, it would have shortened Israel’s trip into the Land, and hence shortened Moses’ life. Therefore, Moses acted, demonstrating, in the Alshikh’s words, that he valued the nation’s benefit above his own life.
        Rabbi Yehonatan Eybschutz explains the same point in different words: “the fulfillment of God’s promise to the Forefathers to give Land to their descendants was dearer to Moses than his own self, therefore Moses hurried to send messengers to the king of Edom.”

            What a tremendous lesson about leadership we learn from both Rashi and Alshikh – Rabbi Yehonatan’s comments: a true leader does not give up his individuality, rather subjugates his personal needs to the welfare of his congregation.

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