Thursday, July 28, 2016

Mutual Responsibility

We (nachnu) will pass as the vanguard before God into the land of Canaan …              Numbers 32:32

          Ba'al haTurim relates our verse's use of the unusual form "nachnu" rather than the common form "anachnu,” to two others: “We are all the sons of one man …” [Genesis 42:11] and “We have sinned and rebelled… ” [Lamentations 3:42]
          My father explained the connection among the verses: "We have all sinned..." reflects the Israelites' mutual responsibility for each other because "We are all sons of one man." It is our common brotherhood which must unite us and which is the source of our responsibility to each and every Jew (and their responsibility to us). The sons of Gad and Reuven intentionally used the word “nachnu” in accepting Moses’ charge to serve as the vanguard of the Children of Israel in crossing the River Jordan and fighting to liberate the Land to express their solidarity with the remaining tribes. Despite their preference to take their portion of the Land east of the River Jordan, the sons of Gad and Reuven still acknowledge the unity of all twelve tribes, as well as their responsibility to their fellow Israelites, regardless of tribal affiliation.
          Ultimately, the tribes’ acceptance of their communal responsibility, instead of focusing on their narrow personal interests, is the guarantee of their success in liberating the Holy Land.

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