Thursday, June 23, 2016

According to Your Attitude

Send you (literally: “send for yourself”) to spy out the Land of Canaan, which I give to the Children of Israel…           Numbers 13:2
Send you: according to your view (“l’da’atcha” i.e. God allowed, not commanded, Moses to send the spies).                                              Rashi

      My father noted that “l’da’atcha” can be understood as well to mean in accordance with your attitude, that is, God told Moses that it was necessary to send men, similar to Moses himself, who are not motivated by personal gain, but are concerned only for the welfare of the nation, and who seek only truth.

      Indeed, many classical commentaries suggest that the motivation of the ten spies who presented the negative report was the fear that upon entering the Promised Land, they would be replaced by a new leadership. Rather than being true leaders, the ten spies put their personal interest above the national interest and needs, bringing calamitous results to Israel throughout the generations.

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