Thursday, June 2, 2016

Rx: Jerusalem Every Few Hours

          A measure of the importance of Jerusalem is the frequency with which the name appears in the daily Jewish prayers. The names Yerushalayim and Ziyyon (Zion, the second most common of the seventy names of Jerusalem) appear no fewer than sixteen times in the daily prayers and an additional ten times in the prayers of Shabbat and holidays). 
          In fact, a traditionally observant Jew cannot spend more than a few hours without mentioning Jerusalem.  The name appears in the amida, the focal point of the three daily prayers, as well as in birkat haMazon, the grace after meals. The last thing a traditionally observant Jew says at night is Kriat Shema al haMitta (the recitation of Shema on one’s bed), which mentions Jerusalem and Zion four times.
          For those for whom the daily ritual is not merely rote, it is appropriate to reflect on the significance of Jerusalem to the People of Israel.
          My father commented that the importance of Jerusalem to Jews lies not only in Jewish history, but equally well in our future.         
          The role, the destiny of Jerusalem, is to unite the Jewish People. Once we are truly united, we will merit the rebuilding of Jerusalem.
          May it be speedily in our days, amen.

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