Thursday, June 9, 2016

Society's Culpability in the Individual's Sin

Speak unto the Children of Israel: when a man or woman shall do any of the sins against man, to practice treachery against God, and that person has incurred guilt; then they shall confess their sin which they have committed …                                         Numbers 5:6-7
Our verses switch from the singular (a man or woman) to the plural (they shall confess).

My father suggested that this apparent linguistic quirk teaches us a most important lesson: that on some level, society as a whole bears a measure of responsibility for the deeds of its individual members. Were society to achieve the ideal level of education, no one would sin against his fellow man. Further, there is a reciprocal interaction, as the sin of the individual has a negative impact on society as a whole. Thus, “they must confess their sin,” the society must recognize and correct its culpability in the individual’s sin.

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