Thursday, June 23, 2016

Spying With Wisdom

Send men to spy out (latur) the Land of Canaan which I give to the Children of Israel ...              Numbers 13:2
The root word “latur” (translated here “to spy out”) appears also in the first chapter of Ecclesiastes [v. 13]: “And I applied my heart to seek and to search out (latur) by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven …”, upon which the Midrash comments “‘to search out by wisdom’ as the verse says ‘spy out the Land of Canaan.’” Our Sages teach that for one to truly see the Land requires deep wisdom, one must not be influenced by what is seen on the superficial level, but to delve beyond this and understand how truly good the Land is.

My father explained the Sages’ intention is that for one to truly “search out” and “see” the Land of Israel, it is necessary to employ wisdom. It is insufficient to see the Land only on a superficial level. One must apply wisdom and delve deeply into the meaning and significance of the Land of Israel to the People of Israel, in the future as well as in the past. Then one will reach the conclusion reported by Joshua and Caleb: “the Land is exceedingly good.” [Numbers 14:7]

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