Thursday, June 23, 2016

One Land, Two Names

… the Land of Canaan, which I give to the Children of Israel …                                              Numbers 13:2
            The verse hints that the spies must discern between “the land of Canaan” and the Land of Israel. My father noted that the two names of the same land indicate opposite extremes: the Canaanites defiled the Land, while it is Israel’s charge to turn the Land in practice into the Holy Land, and bring forth the sanctity which is inherent within her.
            Many commentators question how the Holy Land, the most blessed place on earth, can be named for Canaan the accursed [Genesis 9:25]. Zohar’s answer is:
When Israel is worthy, the Land is named for them; when Israel is not worthy, the Land is named for others, the land of Canaan.

            Indeed, it is the nation of Israel’s challenge and responsibility to turn the land of Canaan into the Holy Land in practice.

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