Thursday, October 27, 2016

Creation's Junior Partner

Then the Lord God formed (vaYitzer) man …
                                                   Genesis 2:7
Ba’al haTurim notes that the Torah also uses the word vaYitzer in regard to the creation of the animals, but with a different spelling. (2:19) Whereas, in our verse, concerning man, vaYitzer is spelled fully, with two yods, in connection with the animals, the word is spelled incompletely, with a single yod.
My father explained that the additional yod indicates that man too, is a partner in God’s creation, in His formation. Animals, in essence, are created complete. The animal itself does have to do anything to complete its creation. Not so with man. Man must “form” and develop himself in order to become Man. In doing his part, by forming himself, and adding, as it were, to what God Himself had formed, man indeed becomes God’s partner in creation.
The concept of man’s actions making him a partner with God can be seen four verses earlier as well: “And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy for with it He ceased all His work which God in creating had made (2:3)
The Hebrew can also be understood “which God had created for the purpose of doing.” It is man’s duty to continue God’s work of creation by “doing,” through fulfilling God’s will.
This brings us to an additional hint of the extra yod. The numerical equivalent of yod is ten, a reminder of the Ten Commandments, which, according to Rabbinic tradition encapsulate all 613 mitzvot. It is specifically through fulfilling mitzvot that we are able to realize our role as God’s junior partner.

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