Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Aleph Bet of Creation

Our Sages note that the creation began with “bet,” the second letter of the alphabet, and tell us that the first letter, “aleph,” complained that it should have been used to begin creation. The Creator responded that the letter “bet,” being the first letter of the word “bracha” (blessing) is appropriate for beginning the Torah while creation cannot start with “aleph,” since that is the first letter of the word “arur” (cursed). By way of compensation, God told “aleph” that He will begin the Decalogue with it.
It seems strange that it is inappropriate to begin creation with the letter “aleph” yet it is appropriate for commencing the Ten Commandments.
My father suggested that our Sages wish to teach us that man must go forward, to change and make progress. “Aleph,” being the beginning, implies no change, no progress, while “bet” indicates that progress has already been made, we have moved from “aleph” to “bet.” In material matters, remaining with the “aleph,” not changing or progressing, is a curse for mankind. Without change, we would have remained in the Stone Age. Advancement is necessary in the material world. Not so in the spiritual realm, where our values come from the Almighty Himself, and as He does not change, neither do His values. If we were to change our moral – ethical values, it would not be progress, but the opposite, regression.
Additionally, “bet” symbolizes partnership, since it is preceded by “aleph,” and thus represents the partnership in creation between man and God. Indeed, it is when man fulfills his partnership with God, that there is true blessing in the world.

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