Thursday, October 27, 2016

Where to Put the "Hei"

So God created man (ha’adam) in His own image …
                                                           Genesis 1:27
ha’adam” is an anagram for “adama” (soil), since Adam was created from the soil.            Ba’al haTurim
My father noted that the difference between “ha’adam” and “adama” is the position of the letter “hei.” Coming at the beginning of the word, “hei” is definitive, literally “the man,” while at the end of a word it is directive (“toward”). The letter “hei,” serving as an abbreviation for God’s name, symbolically teaches that man, the epitome of creation, must know that God precedes him, if he is to realize himself. If man puts God last, it is a reminder that his end is to return to the soil from which he was created.

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