Thursday, October 13, 2016

Spiritual Myriads

He said: God came from Sinai, shone forth, to them from Seir, and made an appearance from Mount Paran.. And He came from the holy myriads (rivvot), he brought the fire of a religion to them from His right Hand.                 Deuteronomy 33:2

          Ba'al haTurim connects our verse's use of the word "rivvot" with that in Psalms [3:7]: “I am not afraid of myriads (rivvot) of people, who have set themselves against me round about.”
          The people of Israel are few in number, compared to the nations of the world, however, its '"myriads" are based in holiness, while those of the nations are merely temporal. The common use of "rivvot" in the two verses teaches that it the spiritual level attained by Israel which allows it to face the myriads of the nations without fear.

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