Thursday, January 5, 2017

Benjamin as a Test Case

            Joseph’s treatment of his brothers when they came to him in Egypt seems cruel.
            Yet, we can dismiss revenge as Joseph’s motive. Almost immediately after revealing himself to his brothers, Joseph tells them:
            “And now, do not worry, nor let it be disturbing in your eyes
            that you have sold me here, for it was to preserve life that
God sent me before you.” Genesis 45: 5
            My father explained that Joseph realized that his coming to Egypt was not only for the purpose of providing food for his family during the famine. Joseph understood that there was an even higher goal. Joseph realized that his family’s coming to Egypt was the beginning of the fulfillment of what God had foretold his great grandfather Abraham, that his descendants will be exiled and oppressed.
            Joseph understood that the only way the Children of Israel could prepare themselves for exile was through achieving unity.  His brothers must overcome the hatred and envy which had brought them to sell Joseph into slavery.
            Once Joseph’s brothers demonstrated that they would not abandon Benjamin, but would do whatever possible to save him, Joseph saw that they had learned the lesson of the ultimate importance of unity, and then he was ready to reveal himself.
            Unity of the Children of Israel has been vital throughout our history. This is certainly no less true today than it was in the times of Joseph and his brothers.

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