Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Key to Redemption

He (Pharaoh) announced to his people, 'The Israelites are becoming too numerous and strong for us.                           Exodus 1:9
            Be'er Moshe (Hassidic Master Rabbi Moshe Yeḥiel Epstein (1890 – 1971)) expresses astonishment that Pharaoh feared the Israelites, who no doubt were less numerous than the Egyptians who were the major empire of the time.
            Rather, Be'er Moshe explains, the Children of Israel were united as a single person, as the verse [1:5] "all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls (the singular "soul" appears in the Hebrew both times)." It was the unity of Israel which made it "numerous and strong," for unity is the secret of Israel's strength. (Don Yitzḥak Abravanel [1437 – 1508] commented that "numerous and strong" indicates quality rather than quantity). Based on this elucidation, the continuation of Pharaoh's words [v.10] "and he will join our enemies" (while the English translation is "they," the Hebrew employs the singular) is exact. It is specifically the Israelites' unity which constitutes the (perceived) threat to Egypt.
            Indeed, unity is the key to Israel's redemption, as our Sages [Breishit Rabba 99] taught: when Israel becomes one aguda (“society,” more literally “bundle”)  they prepare themselves for redemption.

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