Thursday, January 12, 2017

Keeping a Secret

… Jacob wished to reveal to his sons the (date of the) end of days, but this was concealed from him. Rashi Genesis 47:28
My father explained the reason Jacob was prevented from revealing the ends of days.
Isaiah [60:22] delivers God’s message “In its time I will hasten it [the time of redemption].” Our Sages [Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 98a] note the apparent contradiction: if it is at the appointed time, it is not being hastened, and explain: “if Israel merits, God will hasten the time of redemption, if not, the redemption will be at the appointed time.”
Had Jacob revealed the end of days to his sons, they (and their descendants) may have chosen to wait for that day and not attempt to hasten its arrival. It is God’s desire that His people attempt to hasten the end of days. Even worse, some Israelites might think that it is imperative to wait for God’s appointed time and intentionally refrain from the attempt to hasten the end of days. Further, the verse which precedes ours, the final verse of Parashat vaYigash tells us that Israel (plural) took hold in Egypt, implying that they felt at home there, and did not feel the need for redemption. Therefore, Jacob could not reveal the end of days, since the true redemption will come when the Israelites cry out to God for their salvation. Freedom is not to be given to a person or a nation, rather to be earned through appreciation of its value.

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