Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kissing the Stones of the Land

Rabbi Abba used to kiss the stones of Akko  
                                           Babylonian Talmud Ketubot 112a

Great sages would kiss the borders of Eretz Yisrael, kiss its stones, and roll in its dust. Similarly the verse declares: 'Behold, your servants hold her stones dear and cherish her dust.' [Psalms 102:15]                                   Maimonides Laws of Kings 5:10
Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer understood Rabbi Abba's action to be an expression of the unique connection between the People of Israel and their Land. After Israel was exiled from its Land, other nations tried to make the land blossom, but were unsuccessful. Thus, Rabbi Abba kissed the stones, the barren fields of Akko, perceiving the barrenness of the Land to confirm the special relationship between it and the nation.
Rabbi ayyim Eliezer Shapira suggested that Rabbi Abba kissed the stones as a way of connecting himself to the spirituality which is inherent within the physical land of Israel.
Rabbi Kook added that had Rabbi Abba kissed the soil of the Land, it could be interpreted as an expression of an attachment based upon the mitzvot which are related to the soil of Israel. Therefore, Rabbi Abba intentionally kissed the barren stones, which produce nothing, to convey his inherent love for the Land.

Ultimately, even the inanimate Land has sanctity. 

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