Thursday, May 19, 2016

Torah and Economic Life

This Dvar Torah is taken from my father's writings.
Parashat Behar, which essentially deals with economic matters, most of which are related to the economy of the Land (the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, redemption of land and houses sold in Israel), opens with the verse: “And the Lord spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai, saying …” [Leviticus 25:1]
Our Sages ask why the Torah emphasized that these laws were given at Sinai, since after all, all the laws originated at Sinai. Others might ask the same question, but in a different form: what has economics to do with God’s revelation at Sinai?
Precisely for this reason the Torah emphasizes that these laws were given at Sinai. Torah is not a “church religion,” it is not limited to the synagogue. Torah should and must govern our entire lives. It directs our relationship between man and man as well as our relationship with God. Thus, economic life, as well as spiritual life, is directed by Torah. We do not separate the material from the spiritual; rather we bring Godliness into material life as well.
The Torah wishes to stress that all aspects of human behavior must be managed in accordance with the laws given at Mount Sinai. Ultimately, economic life cannot be separated from spiritual life. Every aspect of life must be guided by Torah. When our economic activities are conducted in accordance with Torah, the physical and material are elevated to a spiritual level. All facets of life are to be sanctified, and the sanctity originates from Mount Sinai

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