Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Land: Spiritual and Physical

And when you shall come into the Land and plant  all  manner  of  trees  for  food  ...                                         Leviticus 19:23
Our Sages understood the verse to refer not only to physical trees, but to spiritual ones as well, quoting the verse (Proverbs 3:18) “She (Torah) is a tree of life to those who take hold of her”.
Sefat Emet connects this Midrash to another comment of our Sages (Avot 2:2): “An excellent thing is the study of Torah combined with worldly occupation (derech eretz), for labor in the two of them makes sin forgotten”. Sefat Emet then explains that the intention of both Rabbinic comments is to express the greatness of connecting the physical and the spiritual, of endowing physical acts with sanctity.  It is the spiritual aspect which constitutes the internal vitality of everything. Everything was endowed by the Creator with an element of vitality of the Torah, as our Sages teach: “it was through Torah that God created the world”. It is the task of the People of Israel to reveal the element of vitality.
Entering the Land of Israel, in a sense, was a more difficult situation for the People of Israel than wandering through the desert. Israel’s life in the desert was spiritual, with God miraculously providing all of their needs. It was a life of Torah, net. Entering the Land required Torah and worldly occupation. While the life facing Israel in its Land was more difficult, it is this type of life, combining the physical and the spiritual, and thereby brining the inner vitality to fruition, which is the essential role of the People of Israel.
The essence of Eretz Yisrael is connecting everything to its spiritual roots through the strength of Torah.

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