Thursday, May 12, 2016

Reciprocal and Derivative Sanctity

“... but I will be hallowed in the midst of the Children of Israel; I am the Lord who hallows you.”                        Leviticus                                                              22:32
Early in the parasha we read of the sanctity of the Kohanim, which in a sense is sandwiched between references to the sanctity of the community of Israel, since our parasha follows Kedoshim, which was addressed to the entire congregation of Israel. My father noted that this teaches that the sanctity of the Kohanim derives from the sanctity with which God endowed the entire People of Israel. Our verse teaches that there is a reciprocal relationship: the Kohanim, by fulfilling their mandate to be the educators of the nation, have the power to further sanctify the nation.

Our verse follows the admonition: “Be careful regarding My commandments and keep them; I am God,” teaching that it observance of mitzvot which endows the nation and the individual with sanctity.

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