Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Once and Future Land

To us Jews, Israel is holy not merely because it is the place where our 

forefathers lived and where our great prophets taught mankind justice and 

kindness. Israel is the Land of the Shechina, where God rests His Divine 

Presence, from where His message was heard, and remains the place from 

which holiness radiates and inspires people.

Thus, Israel is holy to us not only because we look back to it as the land of our 

ancestors, but mainly because we look forward to it as the land where our 

People will be rejuvenated, a land which will bring holiness and sanctity to us 

and to all Mankind. Consequently, the return to Zion re-establishes the physical 

state of Israel, but more importantly, re-establishes its spiritual values. We 

pray that God’s word will be heard again soon in our time coming forth 

from Israel to teach mankind morality, social justice and better human 

understanding. Therefore, we must assure that Israel is not just the Land of our 

glorious past, but, with God’s help, the Land of a great future that becomes our 

spiritual reservoir and guides us, enabling us to fulfill our role as “or lagoyim,” a 

beacon of light to all nations.   

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