Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Spheres of Sanctity and the Land

This Dvar Torah is taken from my father's writings.
The sanctity of Israel originated when we stood at the foot of Mount Sinai to accept Torah and, thereby, became a holy nation. Parashat Behar begins with the sanctity of place and ends with the sanctity of time. There is an interrelation between each of these spheres of sanctity and the sanctity of man. It is the sanctity Israel achieved at Mount Sinai which leads to the sanctity of time and of place.
The sanctity resulting from Israel’s acceptance of Torah at Mount Sinai endows the nation with mastery over time (Sanhedrin’s ability/obligation to determine and declare the new month, as well as the power to decide on leap years).
Sanctity of place, as well, originated from Mount Sinai. The Land of Israel can fully realize its sanctity only when the People of Israel are within her. The Land’s attribute of “flowing milk and honey” derives from its sanctity, which in turn derives from the nation’s sanctity, which was endowed on the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai. Further, Israel can sanctify its Land only through fulfillment of mitzvot within her.
Only when the People of Israel dwell in sanctity in the Land of Israel can there be true sanctity in the world. This is the meaning of our Sages comment [Ketubot 110b], quoted by Rashi in his commentary to verse 38:

(Only) one who dwells in Israel is considered as having a God, while he who leaves her is considered as an idolater.

Thus, it is only in Israel that all realms of sanctity can be fully established.

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