Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Stranger in His Own Land

And Jacob dwelt in the land of his father’s sojournings, the land of Canaan.                                      Genesis 37:1
            The word megurei (sojournings) derives from the root ger, stranger. The verse teaches us that though Jacob had returned to his homeland, he lived as a stranger in his own Land, not as the master of his Land.
            Rashi (verse 2) comments: “Jacob wished to live in tranquility”. This seemingly simple request was denied Jacob.

            My father suggested the possibility that the reason Jacob was unable to achieve tranquility was the fact that he dwelled in his Land as a stranger. When Israel is in exile it is indeed a great trouble and anguish. However, Israel living in “exile” in his own Land is a much greater calamity. Israel must be aware that the Land is his by virtue of God’s eternal promise.

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