Thursday, December 15, 2016

Returning the Grace of the Place

And Jacob came in peace to the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from Paddan-aram; and encamped (vayiḥan) before the city.                                                                    Genesis 33:18
                The English translation conveys the simple meaning of the verse. Based upon a homiletic explanation, Sfat Emet suggests that the root of the word “vayiḥan” is “ḥen” (grace). The intention of the verse is that with his return, Jacob returned the grace of the place which had departed when he had left the Holy Land, as our Sages [quoted by Rashi Genesis 28:1] taught: “the departure of a righteous person has an impact. When he is in the city, he is its glory splendor and majesty, when he leaves the place, its glory splendor and majesty depart.”
                Yet, beyond this, there is reciprocity: just as Jacob returned its glory to the Land, so the Land brought out Jacob’s glory. Our Sages [Yalkut Shimoni II Kings, 225] tell us that “the glory of the place is upon its residents”. Sfat Emet explains the Midrash to mean that the Land of Israel is uniquely suited for the Children of Israel and our Forefathers.” Indeed, the Land conveys not only glory, but sanctity, as Sfat Emet adds: “it is through the power of the Forefathers that the Holy Land became the Holy site for the Tabernacle for the Divine glory.”
                It is through the connection of the nation of Israel with its Land that we realize our personal level of sanctity.

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