Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Plain Man Versus the Hunter

And he (Isaac) said “are you indeed my son Esau?”                                                       Genesis 27: 24
            Apparently, Isaac suspected that it may be Jacob, not Esau who stood before him, awaiting his blessing.
            My father noted that Isaac had a fairly simple way of determining the truth: asking the son in front of him to bring his brother as well. Why didn’t Isaac use this method of verifying which of his sons stood before him?
            Further, the fact is that Isaac later affirmed the blessing to Jacob. When Esau appeared to claim the blessing:
Then Isaac received an exceedingly great shock and he said: “who then is he who hunted game and brought it to me and I did eat of all before you came and I blessed him? And he shall stay blessed.”                                                                Genesis 27: 33
            My father suggested that Isaac knew well that it was his younger son Jacob who stood before him. Initially, however, Isaac’s intention was to give the blessing to Esau, since the blessing dealt with earthly matters “the dew of heaven and the richness of the earth”.
            Isaac felt that since Jacob was “a plain man” [Genesis 25:27], no point would be served by giving him the earthly blessings. Esau, “a man who understood hunting” would easily take everything from Jacob. By giving the earthly blessings to Esau, Isaac thought he would save Jacob. However, now that Jacob had demonstrated his ability to use guile to protect that which is rightfully his. At that point, Isaac realized that Jacob will be able to protect the earthly blessings as well.

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