Thursday, December 15, 2016

What's In a Name?

Ya’akov’s name was changed to Yisrael, first by the angel whom he had fought to a draw:

And he (the angel) said: Your name shall be called no more Ya’akov, but Yisrael; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed. Genesis 32:29

and later by God Himself:

And God said to him: your name is Ya’akov, your name shall no longer be called Ya’akov, but Yisrael shall be your name. And He called his name Yisrael.                          Genesis 35:10

            Maharal of Prague expands our Sages teaching that names are of significance by explaining that a name conveys the basic nature and essence of something. Thus, according to Maharal, it is significant that the new name ends with one of God’s names: “The name Yisrael intends that Ya’akov had a divine element … therefore … God shared His name with the Children of Israel.” [Netzaḥ Yisrael, chapter 10] Maharal then expands on his own point by stating that the addition of God’s name shows that Israel has no independent existence, but exists only as a function of its relationship to God. [Netzaḥ Yisrael, chapter 13; Or Hadash, p. 133]

            Applying Maharal’s approach to the Land of Israel teaches us that the name Eretz Yisrael reflects the Divine nature of the Land.

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